
Pissed off? Tell the world about your opinion!

~-----> MARIJUANA SHOULD BE LEGALIZED! alcohol is worst then pot. if alcohol is legal then pot should be too. think about all the car acidents and shit like that. then u look at the marijuana commercials, its ppl doin dumb shit, but if they made alcohol commercials they would show ppl gettin in car accidents, ppl gettin with ugly girls, innocent ppl gettin killed by a D.U.I. Alcohol is also worst for ur body, marijuana can give u cancer, but then again ciggerettes are worst for u and addictive, alcohol will straight fuck up ur liver. well thats all. -john

~------>hey this be stew...waterman and i have a opinion. alright how about calling stewart watermans house once in awile he gets pretty damn bored and just the sound of you peoples voice would lift my spirit, well not really but...i could sing you a song you people know how much you love songs. maybe a love sonnet perhaps or not because i have a bad voice and i suck at guitar anyways give it a thought
my number es dos dos tres uno ocho tres cerro or just 223-1830

unamused child also known as

if you have something you wanna say, ANYTHING!, e-mail it to me( find e-mail on contact page) I'll probably post it if it is post worthy...
