Duke Middle School Pics...

This is embarrassing to some...

These are pics from Clearview Middle School... Some of my people... enjoy them!

Random People...

Melissa, Casey, Lauren, Dan and Chris...

I think the guys in the back are hotter... j/p...


What can I say?...She RoX my SoX...
Random kid...

...that we found on the streets...

Melissa and Jenn...

...tWo FiNe...

I bid ... I mean...


Someone told me to take this picture... now that i have i don't know who asked for it... but there it is...

Must you even ask?

Niagara Falls...

So pretty...


My Little Brother...
Zach, Tim and Rachel...

I'm getting a Semi while looking at this...


Luv ya Danielle! Your freakin awesome!

More to come soon...
Whenever I buy new Rechargable batteries I will bring in the cam again!